Wednesday, October 6, 2010

AHOY BODYtalkers! I am still alive.

   I am aware that it has been several weeks since my last post. So, I apologize for that, but since then, I have continued perusing the web for blogs with a similar focus as mine. And, in an attempt to reach out and socialize with other bloggers focused on body image, I left comments that I would love to share with you. recently blogged about Teri Hatcher posting "the truth" on her blog, and this was my response:
  I was surfing the web for blogs similar to mine–one that focused on body image and beauty. When I saw you url address, I just had to see what your blog was all about. I must confess that I don’t consider myself formerly anything quite yet. Nonetheless, I still enjoyed reading what you have posted.
  This post caught my attention right away–mostly because I’ve been a Teri Hatcher fan since her Superman TV series days and now I spend sunday nights doing homework with Desperate Housewives on. In a period where the media and celebrities essentially dictate how people should look, it is refreshing to know that gorgeous women that we put on a pedestal aren’t always looking so flawlessly glamourous. All women, young or old, know what it feels like to be unsatisfied with their beauty at some point in their life. We are so enchanted by the appearance of celebrities (and sometimes even the people surrounding us) that we brainwash ourselves into not loving ourselves or our body.
  So, I too would like to thank Teri for telling “the truth” :)–I’ve spent all semester searching the web for a source that helps promote positive body image and self-love, and this is it!
Sandy, the writer of, caught my eye with a post about Improving Negative body Image. So, I wanted to share my thoughts with her:
First off, I would like to say that I fell in love with you blog when you used the word "bollocks." I strongly believe that the word should be integrated into everyday American-English vocabulary.
Secondly, I wanted to let you know that found this post to be one of the more informative and entertaining posts I have read in a while. Because I was just recently introduced to the world of blogging, I have been searching far and wide for blogs with similar topics. I hope to point out the sources behind negative body image, just as you have done in this post. I started my blog in hope of helping other women like myself to not only love themselves and their body more but to understand WHY they feel the way they do about their body. I completely agree the path to feeling beautiful begins with loving our body; after all, your body is your temple. It makes it our duty as women to come together help each other realize this. 
No worries, friends! I am still alive (and apparently making blog-friends on the internet).

Fact of the day: Love yourself. Love your body. Love your breasts: October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month. Let the world know: "Where do you like it?" (cue Facebook status update)


  1. Hi this is the 2nc comment ive done - the 1st two would not go through. Fingers crossed. I loved your blog. I came across it the same way you came across Formerly Hot - looking for blogs. I too have a blog " Woman on the Verge of the Perimeni" - have a look to find out why its called such! I do hope you will like..Theres one particular post - What's YOUR Mojo?' - can be found at bottom of blog page and click on 'Older Posts'. ..its about feeling good when we DO feel good ! I shall be following your blog and commenting ! if you like mine, or any comment your opinion or any tales to share.

    J X

  2. Hi! I'm sorry to hear that the comments didn't go through. I wish I could knew why, but I'm not the most tech-savy person-- if you know what I mean. Thank you for your comment, and don't you worry- I will make my way over your blog soon! :)
